First Response Ads

I can’t be the only one who refuses to use this app in public or around other people because of the CONSTANT First Response ads suddenly playing despite the volume being all the way down and videos silenced. 🙄

It makes me not want to buy their tests. I don’t need my family or coworkers or the old woman behind me in line at Walmart knowing I’m TTC.

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Posted at
I literally have to put my volume down because of this. It’s so annoying.


Posted at
not only is it annoying but it scares the fuckin piss out of me. i’ll be minding my business and it’ll start playing loud as fuck while it’s dead silent where i’m at and my heart sinks dude. all for a pregnancy test. like shut up! you’re not making me want to buy it you’re just giving me heart attacks!


Posted at
Never happened to me, I don't get video ads on here