Is this true?

I’m not the type to go sleep around my body count is 1 and I’m 24🙃

Last time I was talking to a friend of mine and I was explaining how it sucked because I haven’t dated in a while and I’m a hopelessly romantic, I love love literally but I can never get a boyfriend, my last one was in 2017 well anyways we started talking about my last time having sex and last time dating someone and this is how our conversation went:

Me: “Man it sucks because I want a boyfriend but everyone that text me literally just wanna have sex”

Them: “Well guys now and days just wanna have sex and you have to be more open to that.”

Me: “yeah but I’m just not comfortable sleeping around like that”

Then: “well you have to start, because if not then you’ll never find a bf”

& honestly to me that’s a bunch of bullshit but at the same time idk because when I try and talk to a guy it’s just wanting to have sex and I don’t want that but sometimes I wonder “if I do have sex huh maybe it’ll be different” because that’s how they met their person, they had sex the first time and now they’re dating for already almost 5/6 months…. and if that’s not the case then what’s wrong with me?