Am I asking for to much? Am I not doing enough for him?

Do you ever feel alone in your relationship, in your family, just that you have no one here for you? I'm sorta feeling like that right now and I feel like I'm going crazy because I'm not sure if I'm selfish for feeling like this or if I'm totally right with how I feel. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and a half and our journey has been really rough. I love him more than anything but I'm not really sure what's going on with us anymore. His mom hates me and she does everything she can to make sure that we don't see each other. Because of Covid I haven't been able to get my license and I won't be able to until November so trying to see him has been/is difficult. It doesn't help our relationship because all this time that we've missed on growing and continuing to learn about each other has been taken away from us but we're willing to hold on and I find that amazing, its just things are hard. This is the part where I need advice to make sure that I'm right for feeling this way or I'm just insane and asking for to much. In the beginning of our relationship like most and probably every relationship, things were amazing. He'd send me cute things, tag me in posts or send me posts on you know Facebook, Insta, Snap stories. He'd write paragraphs every once in awhile, he'd just reassure me in every way possible and just all those little things made me feel special and appreciated, just that I matter and he cares. He has stopped doing all of those little things and its been this way for awhile, probably most of our relationship. Maybe I'm just really over expecting but all those little things mean the world to me and it hurts because no matter how hard things were I have always made sure that he knows I'm here and that I love him, and I have always done those little things and still do. He is also super busy and stressed out pretty much all the time doing 3 different sports, school starting up soon, he works a lot, his mother tortures him. He's still 17. He has this one year left before he's 18, an adult, and going into the military and I won't see him very much at all but I know it will he easier in a sense because when he's gone he's going to be doing something he loves and has always wanted to do rather than just being a servant to his mother. Don't get me wrong, we're not adults and we both know he has to abide by his mother rules, but she let's him have no freedom and is always pushing him down and if he you know acts like a teenager he's the most disrespectful and worthless son in her eyes. He has so much on his plate for his age, I just wish I could take all his stress and worries away. With that being said I understand why he doesn't do those things anymore but at the same time just 1 post, 1 paragraph, just 1 thing for me to be reassured wouldn't hurt in my eyes. And I dont mean eveyday but you know every once in awhile its nice to think that we're okay and that we can do anything together. Is it wrong of me for wanting those little things? I've mentioned this to him before and more than once and it just seems that its irrelevant to him. Everyday he tells me he loves me and I'm thankful for it, but sometimes I'd like to be shown that he does and not just told that he does. Maybe him putting up with me is him showing me lol. It just feels like as kids and teenagers, soon to be adults, that we are already having to be the adults. I've been trying to plan 3 different suprise trips for him before he leaves, last night he told me that he was just so busy and I just felt defeated because it seems no matter what I do it always comes crashing down on us. On top of our relationship, I'm staying at home with a unhappy family. I'm in such a negative environment but there is nothing I can do and trying to stay positive is hard and I dont want to put off any negativity onto him as he already has enough of that. What can I do? What do I tell him? Am I expecting too much?