Friend not reciprocating

My husband and I are moving next week. We have helped our friends move several times, we’ve moved twice in the course of our friendship but they’ve never helped us even though we helped them. I understand they have a life but I don’t get why they can’t come help for one day for a little while. Are we being unreasonable and are they just being jerks? We don’t have any extra money right now for movers for reference.

Thank you all for your kind responses. To the person who commented questioning my motives I didn’t help them so they would help me I just did to be a good friend but I’ve realized I won’t be doing it in the future because they don’t really care about us and make everything about themselves all the time. We’ve babysat their kid they’ve never watched ours, they chose to announce her pregnancy at our daughters first birthday, there are more examples but you get the idea.