Mama needs some input from internet strangers! 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m 35 and healthy and I have 2 kids. My husband has two from a previous marriage that are here part time. Growing up, I had two half sisters and two brothers, so there were 5 of us altogether. We had a ball! I have been wanting 3 kids of my own since we found out we were having my first. My husband isn’t like, dreaming of having another, but wouldn’t be devastated if we did. My oldest is almost 3 and my youngest is about to be 1. Any moms that specifically wanted bigger families have advice or opinions. Am I crazy? Will I always regret it if I don’t have another? My mom told me she always regretted not having one more kid. My dad made her get her tubes tied though (he was an unpleasant man).

Part of my concern comes from the trauma of my last birth. We almost died. Well, my son did die for a little while and was revived after 15 minutes. By the grace of God he has no brain damage and no special needs because of it, but the doctors all said that by normal standards, he shouldn’t be here and he definitely shouldn’t be perfect. My placenta spontaneously completely detached from my body without anyone knowing. We found out by chance while I was already in the hospital being induced as a precaution because of the whole COVID situation. I had to have an emergent c-section with only local anesthesia and they literally had to rip my body open in a couple of minutes to save my baby. My doctor said what happened was extremely rare and she’d actually never seen one quite so severe, but that it was spontaneous and unlikely to ever happen again. However, I do know my chances would increase slightly of having it happen again. Anyway, I would definitely wait the recommended 18 months after the c-section to start trying, because my body was very very traumatized after the surgery.

Anyway… thoughts, recommendations, advice, personal stories?

Here’s my dude before and after! 😍