Teenage boys


My brothers are 13 and 14. My mother is the supervisor at her job so it’s requires her to be gone a lot which I have told her doesn’t work when your a single mom with two boys at home. They need a parent at home which she rarely is. This past week she has to go 8ish hours away to stay Monday-Friday so my brothers were left alone. I would check up on them after work and stop by before I went to bed every night so I would make sure they were okay and fed. My mother called to tell them to clean the whole house before she got home in a couple hours on Friday. I was taking them to my grandparents after I got off of work on Friday so she wanted them to clean before they left. When she got there though it wasn’t clean like she expected. When I had went to go pick them up a few hours prior it didn’t look bad and I saw nothing like she is described to me on the phone this morning. It wasn’t a pig pen but it also wasn’t the cleanest thing on the planet. She’s on a rampage that they lied to her.. and saying things I think are to dramatic for the situation.. I told her that they are still young adults and need guidance or someone to be the parent and that person (my mother) was gone the whole week so what does she expect. I have my own things to tend to so I couldn’t be there hours of the day making sure they did there duties and now she’s angry with me for not making them clean the whole house the way she wanted before leaving. I was on a time limit and only had a certain amount of time to take them to my grandparents since its an hour and 30 minute drive to their house and back to where I live. So now I’m thrown into it all.. I tried to calm her down. I see it as they’re young they aren’t clean freaks they’re teenage boys they shouldn’t be seen as liars because they didn’t deep clean the whole house. I told her she’s putting a lot of responsibly on them when they aren’t ready for.. Is that wrong of me to defend them? I did tell her I’d make sure they cleaned but honestly it didn’t look messy. I’ve seen what her house would look like unkept and I was actually impressed that the house was as clean as it was. Yes there were a few dishes that weren’t clean and some laundry not in the washer but I didn’t see it as a big mess. I’ve never had to deal with teenage boys before so idk how they act off experience but me when I was a teenager I wasn’t the most responsible either. How would someone maybe try to go about fixing this situation? I don’t want me brothers to be treated rudely when they get back home for something that shouldn’t be as big as it is being made to seem. Or maybe I’m biased since I’m their sibling and it is a big deal from a parents view?