Toxic environment and I don’t know what to do 😭

I’m 20 almost 21 and I want to leave home. I’ve been raised in a toxic environment due to the person I have to call my dad. He’s a narcissist and he’s VERY controlling. I’ve had several conversations with him about his behaviour but he believes that because he’s the dad he doesn’t have to change but I do (literally his words). I’ve never been a difficult child, I’ve never rebelled, run away, done drugs or anything of that nature, I’ve always done well in school. At this point I’ve had enough, I want to move out, it’s affecting my mental health, my confidence, I’ve pushed people away (friends and relationships if I’ve seen a small trait of his in them. My dad believes that I shouldn’t have a job which I don’t understand either, so I have to depend on him and asking for money is like pulling my hair out with him. So I’m literally stuck. I’m going back to university in September so I have an escape. But I don’t have enough money to stay there if I completely cut ties with my family. I have my student finance (I live in the UK) but it’s not enough to cover my groceries and living in my accommodation even if I get a job. If I tell the government that I’m independent I have to show proof that I’ve been independent for more than a year which I don’t have so I’m stuck. I’m conflicted. I don’t want to have to deal with him anymore but I also don’t have the money to live on my own completely as well as be in uni. I want to finish uni so I can start getting the money to live on my own and and start my life.