Potty Training HELP!


Hi Ladies,

I have a 3 year old son who refuses to be potty trained and I’m looking for any advice of what worked for you.

I feel like I’ve tried ever tactic.

- Rewards w/ treats, toys, etc

- Sticker chart

- Pull Ups (he just ends up peeing in them)

- Naked 3-Day potty training…he just ended up peeing/pooping everywhere

- Underwear…just peed/pooped in the underwear

- 5 different potty’s and toilet covers with and without foot rests

If we remind him, he will go number 1, but number 2 has never happened on the toilet. Any time we encourage him to use the toilet it turns into a screaming melt down.

He’s literally the last kid in his class to be potty trained and I just feel like a total failure.