

I’m not one to post but since I use this forum as well for information I thought my experience might really help someone.

I’ve struggled with infertility. I naturally became pregnant in February. I miscarried at 9weeks 5 days. When this occurred I was visiting a friend out of state and couldn’t get to the doctor. I really prayed and tried to be hopeful but I think I knew. Someone had posted that the blood in the toilet kind of looks like coffee grounds. It kinda does. When I got to the doctor there was no longer a heart beat and we scheduled a D&C.

I am pregnant again. Very early. 5 weeks. I started light bleeding Thursday and it got worse Friday night. I was in a panic Saturday morning (today) as it was bright red and like a period. It was heavy! I swear I knew. I saw that same coffee ground appearance in toilet and I’m going through pads. The doctor was able to see me this morning. I was crying I couldn’t help it. I was already preparing myself.

I was completely shocked when the doctor did an ultra sound and said I was still pregnant. He said I have a subchorionic hemorrhage. So for now I have to have pelvic rest. No sex. No working out. No lifting anything heavy. They are going to keep a close eye on me and I’ll go back to the doctor in a week. He said honestly it’s 50/50.

My point is there are many reasons why bleeding could occur. Try not to assume the worst. I really would never have guessed today’s outcome and although I’m not out of the woods yet there’s still hope.