38 weeks no progress

I'm 38 weeks exactly today. I started having consistent contractions around 630pm and came in to the hospital at 830pm. Contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. She checks me and I'm 1.5 cm 70% effaced. She checked again at 1030pm and 1230 and no change. My contractions are STRONG and PAINFUL!? Wtf why am i not progressing with these INSANE contractions?? She knows the contractions are consistent and HURT so she's letting me stay longer than they usually let people. HELP


She checked again, no progress. Said my cervix is favorable and my waters are bulging. She went ahead and sent me home even though my contractions were still 3-5 minutes apart due to no progress in dilation. She said that my waters could break anytime and to be ready to come back to the hospital today.

I. Am. In. So. Much. Pain. It. Hurts. So. Bad.