Spotting at 9 wks 3 days


Hi ladies. Today I am currently 9 weeks 3 days. This is my third scare so far this early in pregnancy. My last ultrasound was exactly a week ago and everything looked good and the baby had a heartbeat of 128 BPM. This is the third time that I’ve had spotting but this time the blood does not look old and when I say old I mean brown. The blood is more red and there is more of it today. Did have sex & orgasm this morning. I am noticing that each time I spot is after 6/orgasm. But with this time it being more blood and fresher blood I am very worried. I placed a call into my doctor and waiting a callback. I do not want to go to the ER due to a bad past experience which led to a miscarriage. I do not have any blood clots, tissue or cramping. Any suggestions? Any other ladies bleed this early in pregnancy and everything turned out OK? Also, this is my fourth pregnancy. 2 live births via c section. 1 late miscarry. Thank you 🙏🏻❤️