Idk what there is for me and my boyfriends future.

Me and my boyfriend were both 14 when I got pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl. Our daughters name is River and son is Rain. We were 14.... His parents kicked him out because he got me pregnant out of wedlock so he moved in with me and my parents. Bad idea... My parents were always really abusive. My mom tried to take control of the twins and called me a whore and a bitch around them, while my dad would abuse my boyfriend. My brother (23) started to sexually abuse me and when my boyfriend tried to protect me he sexually abused my boyfriend right in front of me. We couldn't go to DHS because they would just separate us from our babies. We were only 15. So we packed up our stuff and stole of money from my parents and took our babies and ran away. We slept in a tent with you kids for a few months and stole food. It was terrifying living like this. We would catch buses by collecting change. Surprised no one ever questioned us. We started sleeping on strangers couches or in our tent. My boyfriend would go make some type of money with homeless signs or by playing the guitar that belonged to someone we stayed with a week. One stranger we stayed with owned a motel. We had lied to him about pur ages and said we were 20 but he found my boyfriends I.D and found out we were 16. We told him and his wife our story and everything we had been through and they decided not to turn us in and they let us stay in a room in the motel in exchange we work for less than minimum wage at the motel. I do house keeping for 6/hr and my boyfriend works answering phones and checking people in for 6/hr. While we work his wife watches the twins. We are now both 17. As I was folding laundry I started thinking was thinking was this our lives or where will our lives go. We've been on the run for almost 3 years. We've managed to make living this life work. We have cheep phones and pay to put service on them at Wal-Mart... I guess I hope some day this won't be our lives and I'm scared what is next in our future... But we've been together through everything so I think we will be okay. I just want to better our lives for us and our children.