What can I do

So my 4 month old absolutely hates tummy time. He used to love being on his belly while on my chest but now he hates it. We try on the floor and it's a no go as soon as I lay him on the floor he starts getting fussy. I have tried many things such as laying there with him and playing, putting toys in front of him, holding my black and red blanket and shaking it around its hard to explain etc etc I mean literally everything but nothing works

He's hitting every milestone and then some. He know how to roll back to tummy and tummy to back and he can lift himself up a bit for a split second while on his tummy (like to get on all 4s) but while doing so he's fussy

The other day I tried to see if I can get him to try tummy time by having a bottle in front of him (he loves his bottles) well didn't work so I'm stuck

Am I doing things wrong?

He can lift his head up turn head to sound push his chest off the floor etc

this is so frustrating

Sorry if it's confusing I haven't slept in like 2 days go easy on me I'm trying my brain is working slow 😅