Red flag ?

What do I do my bf never makes plans of seems like he wants to spend time with me

Today i asked him did he want to do something but he said he had to do a job for his parents i then replied “aw ok xx” Around 4pm he texts saying “it’s probably too late now to be planning we can do something tomorrow we have linger then “ but then I replied again with aw ok but he then goes golfing for a few hours. I feel he always chooses that over me and i even went out of my way to borrow golf clubs off a family member so I could go with him and he knew i was allowed borrow them for the week.

He then likes this other picture he seen of another couple thinking its cute and just wants to recreate it on a beach but he wont ever plan to go to the beach or anywhere to do these things. I feel like its always me whats should i do :/