nervous to start the pill tonight - lo loestrin fe

hey guys! i'm 22 and i'm finally trying out hormonal birth control for the first time. my gyno prescribed me lo loestrin fe (extremely low dose estrogen) because i told her i'm scared of nausea (i'm emetephobic) and emotional side effects. i just got my period so i'm supposed to take the pill tonight, but i'm very nervous. i've never tried the pill previously as i've heard it can wreak emotional havoc, and i tend to be very sensitive to hormonal changes. i have PMDD, so my OCD and anxiety SKYROCKET right before my period. i'm scared it'll be like that but on a consistent basis. in some reviews online, women mention this pill making them an emotional, depressed, suicidal wreck. i'm moving and starting grad school next week so that literally isn't an option for me. i'm scared of all of the side effects but i mostly only care about my anxiety getting worse, getting depressed or being nauseous.

i was just hoping to get some advice from some of you ladies here who happen to be anxious yet on birth control! TIA :)