Is this worrisome?


So for the first time ever I agreed to let my 4.5 year old boy spend the night at my in-laws' house just for "fun." I have this thing where I don't like the idea of my kids not spending the night at home. But when it was time to end our visit at my in-laws for the day, my 4.5 year old asked me multiple times if he could stay with grandma and grandpa. And since my in-laws are always asking me to let my kids spend the night, I finally agreed to leave my 4.5 year old behind.

My 4.5 year old says he had a blast and my in-laws are sweet people so I don't necessarily regret saying yes. But there is 1 thing that happened that I find concerning and makes me hesitant to say yes to another sleep over any time soon...

Apparently my 4.5 year old woke up in the morning on his own (neither grandparent noticed even though he slept on the couch with grandpa) and my 4.5 year old was awake on his own long enough to go to the restroom by himself, have a pee accident in the restroom, take off his pants, take off his underwear, put his wet clothes in the corner of the bathroom, go to the living room and play by himself until grandma woke up and found him playing half naked at 7:30am. When my in-laws dropped my kiddo off at my house the next morning, they were raving about how mature he is and how they couldn't believe he was able to "take care of himself" in the morning without waking them up and how proud they were of him.

All I can think about is how he isn't even 5 years old so what if he got hurt while they slept? And how did they not wake up when he woke up or heard him moving around the house?

Am I being too "picky/finicky" or does this merit worry/concern for future sleep overs?

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