

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1 year in October. Things went really well at first but as time went by things started to change and so did he. His family was always welcome about me coming over and always had good things to say about me. When we were about 5 months into our relationship one of my friends committed, I was with her the night it happend but had to leave to go to work. Her sister stayed at my house and her mom called my phone and let us know what happend and she went home immediately. Ever since then I do think I've been more mean and angry twords everyone, I started saying mean things and was not treating him the way I should've. After I started treating him that way he started to smoke before practices and skip to go hangout with his friends, I wouldn't have a problem with it , but he didn't tell me for weeks until it accidentally slipped out. He promised he'd stop and said he'd change then give it 2 weeks he'd do it again. Things were rough until summer started and his parents found out he smoked and that I was being mean to there son and treating him poorly.i never cheated on him or hit him. Just wasn't the kindest with my words. Eventually his parents had no respect for me and would just talk very disrespectful about me to him. Recently he bought me a promise ring and his step mom told him I was the type of girl to throw it in his face . Ever since they started saying mean stuff about me I stopped going to his house because I felt uncomfortable and I would end up crying most of the times I went there because of how they looked at me and because I just knew they thought I was a bad person. I feel that since they had no respect for me he lost it for me also. He watches porn after he's promised not to and I've told him how uncomfortable it makes me . He's meet's up with other girls without telling me. He keeps a lot of secrets and I feel like hes just a liar in general. I just feel like we aren't meant for each other but I love him to much to leave him even though we've become bad for each other. All I'm looking for is advice because my parents dont listen to me when I try and talk to them about it they just tell me to stop talking about it or break up with him .