Not baby related anxiety

I recently got a new job a month ago I’ve been under stress and I feel like my anxiety has gotten worse over the past week. I’m blinking my eyes a lot and I notice myself doing it and it’s hard to stop it and I also make these quiet throat noises when I’m high stressed which is rarely. I’ve been doing those and I just want the tics to stop. No I won’t talk to my doctor last time I brought up anxiety she asked what caused it and I never brought it up again. it’s a mix of work bills car needs to be worked on and need to replace some windows for the house buying the kids fall and winter clothes which I’ll have to make payments on thankful for Afterpay. and it’s all adding up my bf only gets paid once a month so I have to put out until he receives his 2nd check beginning of October his 1st was only a few hundred and it’s so stressful how can I cope with anxiety I used to have it bad a year ago then it eventually stopped it seems like it wants to pop up once in a while and when it does it’s really bad.