COVID positive….


EDIT: thank you for all the sweet words. my husband is a firefighter/EMT so he’s often exposed but he’s never been positive before now. we’re in total shock that it happened now. i’m having really really painful back contractions that are coming closer together so our worst nightmare is definitely happening and i don’t think he’ll be in the room. my family doesn’t live near and i’m not close enough with his family to let anyone in the room for support. i’ll likely be alone…

hi ladies.. needing some positive words and just some advice as i’m feeling overwhelmed and just so depressed.

my husband just tested positive for COVID. i’m 37 weeks but been having contractions for a few days so i don’t know if i’ll make it to 40 weeks.

i have to try and handle my 2.5 year old alone while being full term and still trying to keep the house spotless and disinfected. i don’t know what to do…. any advice? i’m terrified my husband will have to miss the birth.