I don't understand why I'm GAINING weight.

I've started working out at home again but I'm only doing cardio and exercise with body weight. I'm still quite out of shape so I only do a few minutes on the rowing machine and about 20 minutes on the treadmill. I do this about five times a week.

I am also drinking more green tea, eating more healthy (my diet is far from great but I'm trying. For example tonight I am having a frozen pizza (because its already almost 7pm and our electricity has just come on after being off for the last three hours, so pizza is quick and easy) but I'm also having corn with it. I've cooked up quinoa to mix in with my tuna, mayo, lettuce and cucumber sandwich for lunch tomorrow, etc). Obviously because I'm working out I'm drinking more water too

I am quite off eating at the moment so I will have a proper meal at about 10:00 / 11:00 (last week it was mainly an egg on toast) and then I snack for the rest of the day. I don't snack on junk food, like I'll have a cup of dehydrated soup or a couple of rice cakes. Then I eat proper for supper again.

I also don't drink a lot of fizzy drinks and have cut down a lot of junk food too.

I have blood tests done yearly for work and everything is fine. No thyroid issues, nothing.

I don't understand why I'm gaining weight?


Thanks for the replies. My diet isn't bad though. Again not great but people have had worse diets. I've had my dinner now and I only ended up eating half the pizza. I use brown bread. Junk food is on Saturdays only. My portions are tiny, I have the appetite of a bird. This morning we made toasted sandwiches for breakfast (egg, bacon, tomato, mushrooms) and I ate half of my sandwich. That's it until supper. I do drink a lot of tea and coffee, I'm sure most of my calories come from liquids. I eat my cereal out of mugs because that's how little I eat.

Could I be UNDER eating and my body is scared to let go of my fat because of it?