What would you do ? Vbac , torn labia


Hi everyone I had my ray of sunshine in October 1st and I couldn’t be happier. She is my 2nd baby and my first vbac was a success !!!

I was soooo happy to have been able to have her naturally and was even more ecstatic when I was told that I did not tear!!

I was soo happy the 3 days I was in the hospital . My previous birth was traumatizing so I was so glad I was feeling happy and healthy.

Sadly 2 days after being released from the hospital I noticed that every time I pee it would burn so I decided to grab my phone and look to see what My vaginal area looked post partum ... and there it was , as clear as day a second degree tear to my left labia . So visible

I was devastated. I felt deformed

I called the ob and they scheduled me for an emergency appointment within the hour.

When I got there a male obgyn that was on call assessed the situation. He told me that it started to heal the Way it is and that there is nothing he could do at that point in time. He said it so bluntly...

all I could do right then and there was cry

I sat up and he told me everything would function normally and that other than the way I look for there it should be fine. He proceeded to say that if I wanted my labia to be fixed than it would need to be revisited at my 6 week appointment and that if I wanted it fixed it would be a cosmetic surgery

I was mad , sad , and crying hysterically. What angered me the most was the fact that they did not notice the tear and it got to a point where it was to late to fix the damage.

My mom and sister both told me it’s fine and to live with it . I want labiaplasty as soon as I am able to. The healing time would be another 6 weeks after I heal from having given birth to heal from another surgery

This experience took a toll on me , and my confidence , if being pregnant wasnt enough change