Please tell me it gets better? Post Partum Pain long ranty post


You may have seen my other post about my spinal headache and blood patch not working. I think I just need encouragement, guys😔 I’ve had this damn headache a week now, and on top of that pain, I also have diastasis recti which makes my stomach feel so bizarre and crampy, I also have had zero appetite since birth, and since I have gallbladder problems, I can’t just eat junk food for calories. I truly have to focus on not puking just to get something in. The pain just makes me so depressed. I feel like I can’t even process my baby’s early birth or nicu time because my pain consumes every thought. My husband is amazing and truly has been so supportive and does 90% of baby care since I can’t. I know this is a huge complainy post and I know I’m super blessed that my baby is doing so well at home and that I have an amazing husband. I’m just so sick of the pain. I wanna be able to do our newborn photos and take my baby for a walk in the stroller without feeling like crap. Anywho, please tell me it gets better?? It does right? I just need someone to tell me that my pain will go away and I’ll feel normal again eventually. I’m not truly depressed, as I only feel that way when my pain gets bad. I just wanna feel like a good mom. I literally planned a full term, vaginal birth, and breastfeeding. My baby was born early, c section, was taken away from me almost immediately after birth for nicu, and has to be on formula since I can’t produce. It’s just a lot to take in. My doctor knows all this, and said my spinal should get better in a week or so.