period or ???? *trigger warning, tmi, blood*


I had done the deed late night on the 22nd of September and it went on into the early morning of the 23rd.

i was supposed to start my period 4 days ago, but itbegan with just dull cramps and a lot of watery in consistence milky white in color discharge and there was a lot of it.

i have been feeling tired frequently and having a lot of unexplained gas. as this weird feeling like nausea but not to the point of puking and a feeling like i eat something and slowly it creeps bc up and i can feel something sitting in the back of my throat. and i have had it come all the way up in my mouth before but only a little amount.

but on the 14th late it the day around 8pm or so i began to bleed as it was light pink at first, then it was still light pink but more of it and then it got light/bright red and now it’s still that same color and i’m seeing some small clots i think when i wiped? (side note: i had not filled the tampon i put in on the night of the 14th by the next morning, it had a small line of light red blood and that was it, so changed it out for the morning of the 15th and then by then end of working today it was filled up, the size was super plus) so now it’s the night of the 15th and im trying to see what is going on, my period is usually so regular and accurate to the apps on my phone i use to track my period.

so am i experiencing late implantation? an abnormally late period? or am i having a miscarriage and don’t know it?

i have not take a pregnancy test because i didn’t want to waste one, i wanted to see if my period would come but it’s never been late like this and or this consistency before. ad i don’t usually crap for 3-4 days straight before it while having the milky discharge.

it’s all so strange to me but i have been trying since jan of 2020. any advice is appreciated. heck, i even just did a fertility/natural conception spell at a friend of mines house just in case this isn’t a pregnancy i experiencing right now.

thank for reading! sending baby dust to you all! 💕💕