Do you believe Eric Smith is reformed and deserves a second chance?



I know a lot of people here believe in prison reform and I’m interested in everyone’s take on this story. Do you believe he deserves a second chance? Or do you think he deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison?

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Posted at
I think he should have been killed. But I’m probably the minority here

• Oct 18, 2021
I agree


L. • Oct 17, 2021


Posted at
Prison reform is possible in things like petty theft, drug addiction/dealing. Not cruel and unusual rape and murder by another child. This man clearly has massive psych issues. Move him to an inpatient psych facility if you just, but into the general public, absolutely freaking not. He was 10 when he was locked up and the only thing he knows is prison. What happens when he’s released and the stress of life not going well gets to him?


Posted at
Sorry I would never in my life be okay with having him around. Its either an evil mind or a damaged mind beyond repair that does what he did.


Posted at
They should’ve gotten him therapy while he was locked up cause how does a thirteen year old just rape someone without someone doing it to them?


🎀☃ • Oct 17, 2021
That’s horrible. I hope his sister got help to heal from that.


E • Oct 17, 2021
*TW* one of the articles I read said that when he was a child he witnessed his sister being sexually abused by their parents. They used it as a form of discipline, so I think your intuition on it is probably correct.


🎀☃ • Oct 17, 2021
Never said that, but it’s still possible he could’ve been assaulted by someone


Posted at
I don't believe our prison system reforms people, but I believe that should be its purpose and that even a person this vicious could become good and not harm anyone. So hopefully this is one of the people who will not reoffend, as 1/3 of prisoners in the US do.


Posted at
I’m all for rehabilitation & second chances, but I’m also all for public safety.I don’t understand what has changed between now and the past 10 times he’s been denied parole? I can’t seem to find much on it (yet).I’m not convinced, based on evaluations of him in the past that I would feel safe near him and I hope (at the minimum) he’s not ever allowed near to the family of his victim..unless it was something they wanted.


Posted at
Certainly not here in the US where people are just locked up with little to no supportive services. He was contained away from the public, not rehabilitated. And I don’t believe it’s acceptable to turn him loose hoping anything has changed.


Posted at
Prison should be about reform, and kids should not be tried as adults.


Ka • Oct 23, 2021
Have you by chance lookes into this case and what he did to that poor FOUR year old boy? He deffinetly deserved to be tried as an adult amd needs to stay in there. He should not be let back out.


Posted at
What kind of therapy did he receive in prison? What kind of skills, education, opportunity did he receive? Was he treated like a human? Was he given opportunity to learn and to be better? What kind of opportunity will he have if he is released? What kind of supports are in place for him so he can succeed?


Posted at
Well I don’t believe in the prison system at all, and I don’t believe a 13 year old should have been locked up in the first place. That murder is a reflection of the environment the child grew up in, and society at large. Both fail tremendously before a 13 year old is committing such a violent murder. He should be let out. But knowing how the US operates, he would have zero chance of actually having a meaningful chance to be reinterpret back into society


尺ㄖ • Oct 17, 2021
thank you! Ik society makes the vast majority believe that prisons are necessary, and makes people believe in a strict good/evil binary in order to justify the existence of prisons. But I passionately believe they do nothing to help anyone. They don’t make people safer at all, the only think that makes people safe in society is resources.