Not All Men.... right? (TW)


This man followed and harassed a woman on a train in Philly. Then sexually assaulted and raped her in front of other people and NO ONE did anything to stop it. Instead these people took out their phones and recorded her sexual assault...

We hear men say all the time “Not All Men”, but how many men sat there recording while this woman was raped? How many men stand by and watch as another man harasses and gropes a woman? Doing nothing to help this woman made them just as guilty as the rapist.

But let’s not point the finger at just the men this time... how many women sat on that train doing nothing or recording as another woman was raped in front of them? How anyone could sit by and not help this poor girl is just beyond my comprehension... how they could think to record instead of help is just infuriating.

Imo I think anyone who was on that train, saw the rape and either recorded or did nothing should be charged as well. The way our justice system handles rape and sexual assault cases needs to change. This man had been in trouble back in 2017 or 2018 for sexual assault as well... why was he not in jail or deported? Why did a judge think he wasn’t a risk to other women?

What are y’all’s opinions on this? What should be done to this man? What about the people who recorded or did nothing? Should they face charges as well?