Early nausea


Hi everyone! This will be my 3rd child. I would be 4 week 1day today (due date June 25th). I got a very dark positive pregnancy test in the evening on last Thursday. I felt very slightly nauseous on that day I took the test and have continued being nauseated most of the day each day. My other symptoms are heaviness in boobs and definitely heightened sense of smell. Is that odd to have that noticeable of symptoms this soon? I didn't have any symptoms with my first 2 until about 6 or 7 weeks. My husband has always joked about when we are ready for our last it will be twins. Well...I'm starting to wonder. Fraternal twins run in my family (my uncles are fraternal twins, my female cousin has fraternal twins, an empty sac with me in womb and also my oldest daughter had an empty sac as well). So I'm wondering if anyone has had twins and experienced symptoms even before a missed period?