friend drama advice

I’m going to make this as short and straight to the point as possible cause there is so much I could say, but I don’t want to bore anyone. I am very close with my boyfriend and we always spend LOTS of time with each other - that’s just how it has always been with us and it works for our relationship. I live with my friends. I see them 3 or 4 days of the week under the same roof, other times im with my boyfriend. my one friend has taken serious offense to this. we used to be really close freshman year (senior now) but after living with such close quarters with her throughout COVID and having a boyfriend that has never talked down/made me do anything I don’t want to do, I realize my friend does not do the same. she pressures me into partying/drinking when I don’t like doing it anymore (to the point of not telling me I forgot my key at home so I would stay out with them until they wanted to leave). she often talks down on me, makes me feel stupid. it didn’t use to feel like this with her but lately it has. i have cried about how much she makes me feel ‘boring’ or guilt trips me into drinking and watching her be all over sweaty guys at the bar. I am noticing she is really fake:(. She texted me this long paragraph about how she misses me and all these excuses about why she treated me the way she did and now I am hanging out with her tonight, but it’s just awkward and we haven’t talked all day. my boyfriend knows all of this and respects whatever decision I make, but wants me to realize I don’t OWE anyone anything - not him, not her, not anyone - and I don’t have to give anyone my time if I don’t want to no matter the circumstance. I just feel like she is making me into such a horrible person but, when I tell her how she hurt me, she finds a way to dismiss it and brings it back to how I am hurting her. any advice?