I don't know what I expected....

I went to visit my husband's step brother in prison Wednesday. He was tortured by his step brother. We were 17 and got married because I was pregnant. I went to live with his other family while he stayed on the farm to earn money to send me and the baby and I got to see him once a month. He was there 3 years and spent 3 years being beat, tortured and raped by his step brother. My husband only has one eye because his step brother stabbed him in it. He has had a screw shoved through his food and his step brother branded his initials into my husband's thigh. He is serving a 17 year sentence. He left me a husband who was broken into pieces. He's in and out of mental hospitals. He's in one right now for cutting himself. I drove down to that prison Wednesday to talk to him. We sat across from each other. He told me I looked "Old". I'm almost 24... I told him he's a sick POS for what he did to my husband. How he broke such a strong minded person. That he destroyed my family. I pulled out a picture of our daughter. She's nearly 7. I said " Do you know how many times she has seen her father get taken away to a mental hospital. She's seen her dad get out in a straight jacket to keep him from self harming! You took the normal father daughter relationship from her!" He just stared at me. " I pray everyday he's able to heal.... But you sick disgusting monster. I hope you burn!" I said a lot but that's a gist... And this horrible bastard... Smirked at me... He fucking smirked. Idk what I was expecting. I guess a part of me hoped for a glimpse of remorse.... But I got a smirk.

He's in therapy but we are thinking about changing him to one who specializes in trauma.