Cheating husband

I need to vent.. Tonight I received a message from a girl my husband was cheating on me with.

The majority of their fling took place while I was pregnant with our third child!

They work together and when I confronted him about it, he said it ended over 6 months ago and she is now trying to retaliate because he doesn’t acknowledge her anymore. I’m speechless. She sent me conversations they had via text (mainly consists of flirting with her sending him provocative photos). She also told me so much shit he told her about me and how he’s so unhappy (none of that appears in text) and he denies saying any of that.

They never officially hooked up or hung out outside work but they flirted and put their hands on each other while on the clock.

I don’t even know how to react, I won’t lie, our relationship isn’t rainbows and butterflies but that’s 100% because all my time and effort goes into caring for our children (4, 2 and 6months), while he takes long “breaks” out in the garage doing God knows what.

I want so badly to believe him but I can’t help but believe that she’s right and he really did bash me to her (and probably others at his work). The worst part being I used to work there too (we met there so I know how he was with me), and now he’s made me look like a complete fool to all my past coworkers.

I have no clue what to do right now. What my next steps should be or how I can even move past this.