Iui #2 - is the timing right?



I've just been for my follicle scan and I have one measuring 21mm so had the go ahead to do an Ovitrelle shot tonight for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> Wednesday at midday.

I also just did an opk and it's positive. I'm currently on cd 10 and now I'm worried about having the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> too late 😬

Does the timing sound right??

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From what ladies have said on here, usually an iui is scheduled 36 hours after trigger, but if your surge in your own beforehand, I think the iui is usually scheduled for the next day. I would call your doctors office and tell them you got a pos OPK to see what they say.


😶‍ • Nov 1, 2021
Thank you, the office is actually already closed. I think there&#x27;s probably not much I can do now except pull the trigger tonight and hope for the best 😕


Posted at
The trigger shot is to induce ovulation. If you’re already ovulating, I wouldn’t waste the meds. &amp; I would also try to get in sooner.


😶‍ • Nov 1, 2021
I&#x27;m thinking I&#x27;ll take the trigger anyway, I&#x27;ve read it can encourage implantation, however unfortunately we won&#x27;t be able to move the iui forward so I&#x27;ll just have the discussion with my fertility specialist on Wednesday and hope it&#x27;s not too late ☹