YAY! VBAC induction baby born at 40/3!


I got my VBAC!! What an amazing experience!

Krew was born at 40/3 via induction.

I had a great support team the whole way through, I think the person who doubted me the most was myself.


My first born had a failed elective induction. I was given the max amount of cytotec and pitocin with minimal change to my cervix. I went through all of that to only get to 1/2 cm dilated and remained 0% effaced. My dr gave me the option to stay and do more cytotec (no thank you, sore cervix!) go home and come back in a few days or go home and let things happen naturally. Anxious to get our first born here, I decided I’d come back in a few days. My second induction I actually progressed and got to a “10 with a lip”. I was given an hour to push and was exhausted after being up all night so when my dr told me my pubic bone was just too small for my baby to fit through, I was totally fine with the cesarean. I had been given pit, had the epidural around midnight the night before because he thought it’d help my body progress (and it did) and my water surprisingly broke on its own around 6am. I just never felt like my body was given a good chance to do it’s thing all in all.

My vbac induction:

I was pretty anti induction but once I asked for a check and a sweep at 38 weeks and was given confirmation that my body was actually progressing on its own this time, it started crossing my mind. Being a SAHM to a 2 year old and his primary caregiver for 13 hours a day is exhausting and I was so tired of being pregnant. I had also had prodromal labor for the last 2 weeks in my pregnancy and that alone was 😅 just a lot! So my dr agreed and they scheduled me for the 3rd. I got to the hospital at 9am, they began a low and slow dose of pit. I never made it past 11 when my max was 20. They checked my cervix around 6pm when we also decided to break my waters which helped my body do it’s thing but BOOOY THE CONTRACTIONS. I was questioning if I even wanted more children after that 😂🙈 I moaned through those, had my boyfriend putting counter pressure on my back while I rocked back and forth, bent over the bed. I progressed from a 4 to a 7&1/2 in an hour and a half. The shaking was also terrible. I wasn’t anti epidural necessarily but really wanted to hold off as long as possible but there was NO WAY. The moment he was available, he came in and placed it and immediate relief. My progress slowed down a tiny bit, we used the peanut ball which helped immensely. Around 12 am, I hit transition and began getting sick. Shortly after, I was finally complete but cervix was still high so we labored down for about an hour and a half. My dr wasn’t in yet so we did trial pushes until she was there. My night shift nurse was not super supportive and pretty much a realist if you will. I asked if I could push with knees together since I had seen a tiktok where it allows more room in the pelvis. She agreed and that’s what I did. Once my dr was there, I pushed 3 good times ans boom. Baby came flying out. I pushed for a total of an hour and a half. It felt so good once he was finally out 😂 as well as my placenta lol! I still can’t believe I did it!! I came out with a first degree tear and now that the epidural is beginning to wear off, it’s a little rough but much better than a cesarean. I am so proud that I did it, even though I questioned my ability and will. I am exhausted but it was absolutely worth it and I’d do it all over again.

You can do it mamas! Believe in yourself!! And go in with an open mindset. Also choose options that work best for you and your family. I knew my chances of a repeat cesarean were increased with an induction but it was honestly the best option for my little family, especially since my partner works such long and many hours. It was what was best for my mental health.