UPDATE! Trigger. Is it getting darker? I


I'm 10 DPO, 10 DPIUI, 12 DPT. I usually have the faintest line you can barely see on day 10, but this looks darker than 9 DPO. It's gotten really dark now that it's dried. I also had brown spotting 8 DPO which has never happened. Does this look like pregnancy or just a one day fluke?

UPDATE: BFP on FRER and clearblue digital at 11 DPO, 13 DPT. I'm still in shock and can't believe it. After 5 years of trying and 6 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>'s. ❤❤

UPDATE 3: Got a blood test at 13 DPO Hcg is 68. I go back tomorrow to make sure it's going up, but they said it was good! 🤗