Feeling jealous…


Hey there. So I was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar to this.

When my boyfriend of a year and some change go out to bars with friends, sometimes we get split up for a minute. When we come home he tells me how girls come up to him and try to flirt but that he curves them right away and is like “uhh okay?”. But when we go out and I’m alone I never have anyone say anything to me. Do I need that validation? No. But it’s a weird feeling. If someone tried to flirt with me I’d be curve them too. But when my Bf tells me these things I get a bit jealous of the fact that another girl is flirting with my boyfriend but also that no one says anything to me. Is that totally wrong? Is it normal to be bothered by not getting attention like he does in public places? He’s a good looking guy and very kind, so I get it. But idk… maybe I’m overreacting. Thoughts?