Did my waters break?


This is my second pregnancy. In my first my waters broke when I was 8cm so I was already at hospital.

This time I was doing an exercise video and suddenly midsquat I just felt a wooosh and my shorts were soaked. I went to clean up and there was a LOT of mucus plug coming out. The liquid didn't smell of pee and I had recently gone to the toilet before starting my work out.

That was about 2pm yesterday. I wanted to do the "lie down for a while and then stand up" test but I had to go pick my daughter up from school. I put a pad in and walked the 40 min round trip. When I got home the pad was pretty damp but not soaked (again, didn't smell like pee) but also yknow its a 40 min walk and involves a lot of hills (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿) so it's entirely possible it was sweat. Also again there was bits of mucus.

A bit after I got home, I started having contractions from 4pm (8-12 mins apart) so I presumed it must have been my water but they stopped around 10pm when I went to bed and I've now had no contractions in 12 hours. So now I'm not sure if that was my waters or not? I'm going to call the hospital after I drop my daughter off at school (12:30) but if they want me to come in, I won't be able to get there because I don't drive and I have no childcare until 6pm which will be over 24 hours after.