I’m so down and depressed

I don’t get along with my boyfriends mother, directly I always put a front. Smile and say hello when I come over on weekends to stay with my boyfriend. She never says hello to me, complains about me behind my back to my boyfriend. Never said I looked nice when I go out but compliments everyone else, when I dyed my hair blonde she said I suit “brown hair better”. When she wants to talk to my boyfriend she never comes into the same room as I am, she instead calls him on the phone from downstairs. When she does complain about me when I’m around it’s never to my face but will raise her voice for me to hear. I’ve told my partner how disrespectful and rude she is, I don’t appreciate it and makes me feel upset and worthless! My partner has stuck up for me but when he does she threatens to kick him out. I’m trying my best to save up for us to move out and get some peace away from her narcissistic ways but he’s not saving as much as I am. Our target is to move by next March time. I feel down because when my partner does stick up for me, he later on goes down and apologises to his mum because he feels bad, I understand it’s his mum at the end of the day but i feel like it makes me look foolish? When I want to talk to my partner about how I feel after the way she’s been his response is “i don’t want to talk about it, I know what she’s like but there’s nothing I can do and I can’t change how she is” I mean I get it but is it bad to explain how I feel? He really does stand up for me but I told him that I’m no longer willing to attend anymore of his family gatherings because I feel left out and awkward when she’s around and I feel that I shouldn’t have to feel this way.

I love him and don’t want to leave him at all, but she’s getting in the way :(