Just need some advice...


Well I have tried to get over my fiance cheating on me... it isn't working. He refuses to help me get over it because as he says.... I know all I need to know. He gets mad every time I try to get him to tell me everything. Its not like im asking him questions like which position they had sex.. I ask him questions like, how long were u talking to her before I found out.. what did she say or do that made it seem like a good idea to cheat on me? Where did u guys go together? There's a few other questions but I don't get an answer to anything.. when I bring it up he gets so mad and tells me if I can't get over it and stop thinking about it then we need to split up. He doesbt dwell on it.. y should I? It was 3 years ago. I tell him if it was that easy id be over it by now. But its obviously still bothering me.. I told him I kno what it is going to take for me to begin moving past it and having a bunch of doubts and unanswered questions is not it. He lied to me for over a year about it. Made me feel crazy but I knew something happened. When I finally found out.. and with who.... he finally admitted to it happening with her one time.. at first he said he used a condom but the chick wasn't sure if her baby she had was his or not.... so him telling me about a condom was a lie. I just wish I knew what to say or do that would make him stop keeping secrets from me. I told him it hurts me that he has secrets with another woman.. he said there's no secrets. I know everything I need to kno. Please help me.. I just am so tired of crying... someday are ok.. most days are not. He flirts with other females in front of me and my nephew tells me its worse when im not there. I asked my fiance what makes him think I believe that if another female sent him nudes or made a comment about wanting to have sex.. that he would say no. And he tells me that's where I am fucked up.. I need to trust him. I DONT KNOW HOW... WHEN I TRUSTED HIM COMPLETELY MY HEART WAS BROKEN... he fooled me for so long... gosh . I just dont kno