Son wakes up screaming all night


To put this simply, my soon to be 17 month old who has always been a perfect angel sleeper with a very predictable schedule has been waking up screaming as if out of nowhere for every nap and bedtime. This has been going on for a week. He wakes up after being asleep for about an hour, screaming loud and like he’s scared. He will immediately pull himself up to standing in the crib and walk to the side closest to his door reaching for it. It’s pitiful. I was thinking nightmares but this is everyday now. He will only go back down if I go in and console him. After doing this, he usually goes right back to sleep only to do it again later. Throughout the night he will wake up 3-5 times doing this now. He’s not fussing or just crying. He’s screaming like I have never heard him do and looks terrified. He’s not looking around then doing it. He’s screaming then opening eyes, etc.