Ignorant grandparents


So, since my son was 18 months old, his doctor has told me that he was showing signs of autism. Didn’t really come to a surprise because I work with developmentally delayed kids and I knew all the signs. Now he’s about to turn two and he’s still showing the signs and his doctor is telling me that he’s most likely autistic. It’s not a huge deal to me, I love him just the same. I’m not exactly worried about it, I know what to do to make sure he gets the therapies he needs to learn as much as he can and things like that. I don’t see him as any different than any other child. Obviously I acknowledge the differences but I guess I’m trying to say that I don’t look at him like somethings wrong with him. He’s his own person just like everyone else and he’s amazing and my husband feels the same way. But my parents are driving me nuts. As soon as I told them I was told “oh my goshhh, no he’s not. He’s fineee, he’ll be fine. They have to put a label on everything nowadays🙄” And just completely downplaying what I’m saying like his parents and his doctor are dumbasses. But my mom will then turn around and say that I’m going to have a very “hard time” with them(both my kids) because my oldest has ADHD. Which rubbed me the wrong way, and honestly pissed me off. Almost like she was implying that I couldn’t handle it. Most recently my son said a new word (he has a vocabulary of about 5 words) which should have been an exciting moment but my mom had to say “see I told you he’s not stupid” 😤 and I just say “Um, I never said he was?” And she said “oh I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just saying he’s not autistic”. My husband got mad and picked him up and went into the other room And I snapped and said “yes, you did mean it like that. You meant exactly what you said. Whether is or not he is, is not up for discussion and it’s not for you to decide. If he is, that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with him, he’s not stupid, he never will be and if you’re gonna keep this attitude about it then we’ll leave and won’t even tell you about anything again” and also said something like “Autistic children are actually very smart and if you had any sense, you’d know that. But you and just want to stay ignorant.” Which ended up in an argument and we left. I haven’t spoken to my parents in 2 weeks. She feels the same way about my oldest having ADHD but she’s never said anything like that. She simple just thinks he’s a “hyper boy” and it’s “made up”.

They’re so fucking old school, I can’t deal with it. I’m not gonna sit here and argue about it his entire life and I’m not gonna stick around long enough for him to actually understand and take what they say to heart. Something about my parents generation and not being able to except change and growth as a society is just fucking frustrating. My moms telling I’m being immature and that I can’t disown her her for having different opinions. Even though my dad agrees with her, at least he won’t sit there and make those comments and try to argue with me. He just keeps them to himself. Idk, I just want to vent I guess.