PPROM!? When did labour officially kick in?

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

I am 35 weeks and 4 days today! However 3 days ago we confirmed my water broke! I stayed in hospital for 2 days getting antibiotics around the clock and monitoring for any signs of labour. I did have contractions the first day that died out over night and after 2 days the Amino swab was negative suggesting a high leak that has resealed. Doctor confirmed my cervix had not dilated anymore then thr 2cm I came in at and let me go home with more meds and instructions to closely montior my temp and return if anything changes to be induced.

My question is if you also had a slow leak and weren’t induced how long until labour started again? Doctor said it could be hours or I could magically get to 40 weeks it just depends on the baby and your body.

I can’t walk, lift, move, etc without contractions starting again so I feel like it won’t be long but wanting to hear others experiences… I’m a nervous wreck waiting as I want my daughter born healthy and I’m terrified of the infection risk from here on out