Is it okay to distance yourself in your marriage?

We have been married 5 years, I don’t want to divorce him over this so please don’t advise that. The last 6 months or so I feel like I’ve been getting little to no appreciation, my needs aren’t being met sexually or emotionally, and things just feel hollow. I tried talking to him about this, things will be better for a week then go back to normal. We also saw a counselor for a few sessions but we both didn’t feel like it was beneficial. I kind of just want to distance myself from him a bit and see if anything changes. The whole time this has been happening I’ve been trying to still be my usual affectionate, caring, communication positive self, but I feel like it’s getting nowhere. I’m also not trying to play games, but do you feel like it’s wrong in a marriage to just step back, not talk as much, just do my own thing, not really call him or text when he’s gone and such to see what happens?

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