Just need some support


I’m going through my second miscarriage at 5w 5d The first one was 2 years ago with an ex I was probably like 4w with that one and this one is with my husband. We’ve been trying for 8months now and our first positive ends in a miscarriage. This one is so different then the last. The pain is unbearable. The tiredness my body is feeling but I’m barely bleeding no blood clots maybe a drip on a pad it’s more when I wipe there’s blood it’s new and old blood. But I just feel like it’s me and my body is the common factor of two miscarriages. Just idk what to do my anxiety was so high with this pregnancy cause I was so afraid of miscarrying like that time and it still happened. My husband and I wanna try again as soon as we can but I know my anxiety is going to be worst.