Do opposites really attract?

Hi everyone I met this man but we’re complete opposites.

I’m very outgoing, social butterfly, loud, strong, affectionate. Talkative, love deep talks.

My partner is introvert, very quiet, to himself. Enjoys silence, short worded.

Whenever we’re out I’m social talking to everyone and he’s usually just there. I ask if everything’s okay and he just says he’s very observant and quiet but he’s good. He’s very “respectful” so he always goes at my lead.

This is the first time I date someone who’s the complete opposite, so far it has been a little hard just because he doesn’t express himself and when we’re out he’s very quiet but I’m trying to make it work.

Anyone dating someone who’s the complete opposite? Any suggestions?

How do you make it work?

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Posted at
My husband and I are opposites. I'm loud and confident. He is quite and respectful. I'm black, he white, I'm short, he's tall. I like sci-fi mystery, he likes documentaries and action. 2 kids and 7 years later, We're a match made in heaven.


Ch • Jan 27, 2022
The important bit is that you have something which is similar. For us, we have the same humour, love of food and adventuring.


Posted at
What matters is if you both are compatible where it matters…. Life goals, finances/money, inlaws, children, religion. What matters is how are u all when youre alone together and if that personality tyoe bothers u. Otherwise he can be the anchor you tie your kite to.


Posted at
I think you have to have some things in common, some things you can bond over, some things that you can find compromise rather than make sacrifices, I think individuality is one thing, I think having a life outside of your relationship and things that you like differently, my partner is an outdoor person, I am not, I hate the outdoors, he loves to play golf, he loves the outdoors the beach etc. I am the polar opposite I am an indoor air conditioning comfort kind of person. We spend time apart and that’s OK, I would rather go and get my nails done, get my hair done, go to the mall, grocery shop, whatever it may be while he goes to play golf. He goes with his friends, he goes with his dad, that’s his thing. I don’t knock it, I don’t tell him he can’t go, he enjoys it why would I take that away from him. I think it’s OK to have things different, but when things are polar different, absolutely not because you’ll fight and argue about everything. I think as long as both people are willing to be open minded and listen and be able to Communicate without hurting the other person’s feelings or belittling the other person or name-calling or whatever because you don’t see things the same way, that’s a different ball game. And also depends how extreme the opposites are when it comes to money, family, religion, politics, vaccinations, and so many other hot topics. It’s either you avoid the topic, or you’re able to talk about them without getting pissed off or wanting to block them or break up. It’s one thing when ego and arrogance and needing to be right or get their way, those things get in the way, that’s when you have a issue. My partner and I have the exact same sense of humor, he is more dominant in the relationship, prior to him I was always the dominant one, but I’ve known him for so long and I trust him so much that I don’t mind him being dominant, and that goes for in the bedroom as well, we take turns, but he likes to be in control, he likes to be in charge, and I have no problem submitting to him. I know he wouldn’t hurt me, I know he would never take things too far, he knows the line between something that’s funny and something that’s offensive, he knows me better than I know myself, he is so observant, he knows even for my breathing whether I am turned on, even from a text message if it sounds different, he and I can finish each other sentences and I love that about him, that he can read my mind, he is smart, he is charming, he’s funny he’s witty, I’ve known him over 20 years, We didn’t get together until a year and seven months ago, but to me personally I don’t think opposites attract, I think eventually they repel. Especially if you can’t see Eye to eye on some things. You have to remember that it’s not you versus him, or who Hass to be right, or who wins in the end, it’s you and him versus the problem on the same team. But at the same token if it’s a constant fight, constant battle, constant drama, eventually you get tired of it and want off the hamster wheel.


Posted at
I think that you are allowed to need whatever it is you need in a partner. Think about what those qualities would be. If he doesn’t match up to what you want and need in a partner, then he’s just not the right guy for you. Has nothing to do with opposites attracting. Some people can accept being with someone who is very different from them and not expect anything from them other than them being exactly who they are… And some people might not be able to be with someone very different from them without wanting them to change a lot about themselves, which almost always never works out.


Posted at
When my husband and I were dating, he was quite and very was bothering me a lot but as time goes by we got comfortable with each other he is now free and talks more thank me. We married 5yrs now . I guess give it time


Posted at
Yup I am very talkative, outspoken, used to be in theater, etc. my bf is a skater and gamer, very reserved doesn’t like talking to strangers etc. it works great for us! We work amazing together! It’s all about communication and finding similarities that still keep you grounded like faith, morals, politics, goals, etc


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Of course they do! No one is the same. You also change as years and life events happen.


Posted at
My husband and i are opposites too. I’m an extrovert and he’s an introvert. I’ve become more introverted as time went on but i thought it was a good balance!