Am i having Implantation ?


Hello I am here because I am very concerned and nervous about everything that is going on with me , Jan 4 was my first day of my last MC , my ovulation date was calculated to be on the 17th , I had unprotected sex on the 16th , I am now on the 3rd day of spotting which would put me as implantation per my app , the dates of 24,25,26 , I have had mild heavy bleeding since day 2 it comes on and off and sometimes leaks in toilet where it appears to look like coffee grains , I am having hot flashes as well and my spotting is a dark black , brown color , with stringy clots , I’m not for sure what’s going on but has anybody had this and still had a successful pregnancy I’m just nervous because I have been trying for so long and would hate if something was going on , I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative which I expected since my period isn’t due until Feb 1 .