Struggling with bi-polar and depression


Posted this to the mental health forum but then I saw the depression topic, and thought this might be a good place to post this as well.

Last spring I was diagnosed with bi-polar. Since then I have been on Lithium. I have learned that this is a less than ideal medication to be on especially during the first trimester if it is over 900 mg. I was taking 1200 mg during my first trimester. The pregnancy wasn’t planned (but wanted), so we didn’t know I was even pregnant until 5 or 6 weeks in. My ultrasound is in two weeks. Part of me is so scared to find that the Lithium maybe have caused issues with my baby’s heart development. I’m trying to stay positive though until we know anything for sure. I’m currently in my second trimester taking 300 mg and it is being regulated by a psychiatrist.

Currently with the bi-polar I struggle with the depression piece the most. I went two weeks with feeling very stable, calm and happy. Then yesterday boom depression hits again. I just changed jobs which has been stressful, so that may be part of what triggered it but the change was for a good reason.

My partner is pretty supportive and has been through everything since my first hospitalizations because of my mental health last year. Even he though can not fully understand or fully be there for me all the time in the ways I need. I have understanding for this, but it still makes it extremely hard especially being pregnant. I feel so overwhelmed and lonely sometimes. It even escalates to suicidal thoughts at times.

Reaching out to anyone else that struggles with depression, bi-polar or anyone who has also managed being on medication during their pregnancy. Thank you in advance 💞