Erratic work schedule and breastfeeding?


Hey everyone. I am looking for some advice. So my son is 4 months old and he started to sleep through the night about 1 month ago. As a result, I have been battling some engorgment problems. Ive been told before that typically, your body gets used to your nursing schedule so eventually you stop waking up so engorged.

Unfortunately, however, I work overnights every other week and do 75 hours within 7 days on that stretch. My body isn’t regulating at night because 1 week I am home with my son and only getting up maybe once at night to nurse (if that). Then the next week, I am at work overnight for 10-11 hours and pumping 3-4 times. I cant really reduce how often I am pumping at work because I already make just enough for my sons needs as is.

Other moms with erratic work schedules, how did you manage your fluctuating schedule and breastfeeding?