Birth control messed up question..?

January 12th-16th I had my period. I had no more patches to put on that Sunday and I had gotten my patches filled on the 20th so I put my patch back on the 23rd which was a Sunday (my normal change patch day is Sunday) I missed a weeks worth patch b/c I didn’t have any so that threw me a week back. My period is supposed to be this week. I put my patch on the 23rd, the 30th & I was supposed to take it off yesterday the 6th to start my period this week but since I was already off a patch I decided to change my patch yesterday and put the last one in my box on. I expected to start bleeding the week I didn’t have any patches but I never bled. I’ve bled before in between my cycle when not putting my patch on on time but I didn’t that time. Was that because I had already had my period the week before?

Side note:

I’m going on vacation in June and my predicted period shows the week I’m supposed to go on vacation so I wanted to push my period back anyways so it kinda worked out.

Me and my SO has had sex a handful of times in between there…& yesterday and today my stomach has been cramping off and on but mainly in the mornings. Again idk if that’s b/c I’m behind a week and my cycle is messed up or if it’s something else making my stomach cramp?

& correction I didn’t put my patch on 2 days ago exactly. I put it on yesterday b/c I was so indecisive on if I was gonna keep my period the same or use all the 3 patches first but then again if I kept it off I might not have bled this week either..

So idk what’s going exactly but I’m trying to get it together 🤯🤦🏼‍♀️