Can you have sysmptoms 5-9 days after sex?? Am I pregnant??

My cycle is very irregular. My parents and I stopped really tacking after last months my ovulation and kinda went by the it happends it happends method to keep sex fresh and fun not like a job if you get what I mean?

We had our fun 9 days ago and 7 days ago. This was about a week after the last day of my period. Unfortunately we’ve had a lot going on in life exciting news and stressful things we are working to work out as a family. We were pretty intoxicated both times so I’m not sure how the job was finished with our fun but I know we haven’t used protection in 4 years. I know about 9 days ago

::(warning a lot tmi but I don’t know if it counts) :::

Skip if sex talk makes you uncomfortable!!!


On day 9 we were drunk had sex twice both times he finished on me not in me. But in drunken giggles he scooped it off me and like “shoved it inside with his fingers” in me immediately saying how he wished we’d have our family already. Which lead to more drunken fun. But I like don’t know if I was ovulating at all I know it was about a week after my last day of my period. And I’ve never head of someone getting pregnant but him rather than finishing inside you finishing on you then sucking it in you immediately if you know? Okay that’s all the graphic.


For the last four days I’ve had the worst headache of my life. We did a covid test but it was negative thankfully. About two days ago on my way to work I got hungry stopped to grab a coffee and a breakfast sandwich as I was pulling into the parking space to eat before work one sip of coffee felt suddenly nauseous and had to actually throw up. I talked myself into thinking it’s some weird stomach bug. There’s no way if I was I’d notice anything this early right? Headache and nausea for the past two days could just be hormonal because my period should start is 7 days right?

I’ve also noticed I feel like my sinuses are really stuffy/ puffy feeling but not in like a head cold way more like a seasonal allergy way? My biggest indicator I’m scared to test that I may be pregnant is besides the nausea headache and full feeling sinuses I’ve passed out in like a 4 hr nap after work the past three days and I yesterday and today I’ve been so emotional and teary which I never am!

Is it possible to be pregnant!!!??? Is this all in my head??? Can anyone feel things this early??? I just am so scared because we’ve been trying for four years with no luck and finally just “stoped” tracking and stuff!!

I’m scared. We’ve had several miscarriages early on but with those I’ve only gotten headaches I’ve not felt like this this early? Are these even symptoms? Could I be ?? Please someone talk to me … I feel like I could be crazy and over thinking this all. Thank you!