15 weeks & some bleeding.

Has anyone experienced this in the second trimester? Yesterday after intercourse, I got up to use the restroom and when I wiped I noticed some pink on the tissue & second wipe was more red. Midwife wasn’t concerned and just told me to keep an eye out on it & of course if it gets heavier to go to the ER, but I have been so worried. It only happened during that bathroom break but i’ve definitely noticed some leftover brown on the tissue today. I’ve also been experiencing pelvic pain for the last 2-3 weeks. I just wish my midwife would have me come in for a peace of mind instead of saying head to the ER if it gets heavier. My next appointment isn’t for another 5 weeks which will be my anatomy scan, just praying that everything is okay with my little guy 🥺🤍 Attached 14 week scan just cause he’s so perfect to me already.