
I am sharing some gross pictures, back story behind this all. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 did not have regular periods for a very long time last March I was put on a low estrogen level birth-control to help regulate my body and get my periods back. They started to normalize and become regular to the point where I could counter down to a T when I was going to start my period when it would end in an average how long my cycles were and how heavy my cycles were going to be. Back in January 2022 was my last normal. Since then I have had on and off bleeding and for the past week or so my clotting has been heavy along with my periods or bleeding was heavy I have been going through the Playtex super plus size tampons one every hour and a half I am posting these pictures to maybe get some insight on whether or not this is normal. I did contact my OB/GYN they are aware of what’s going on my Pap smear came back normal other than some bacterial infection that I’m on antibiotics for. I had them order a vaginal ultrasound to maybe see if there’s something else going on but in the meantime does anyone have any input or thoughts on this matter??? *****************Picture number 2 is in the comments*****