No ovulation after Mc.


It doesn't look like i've ovulated at all haven't even gotten a high, never mind a peek. Could i have just missed it some how? It doesn't seem likely since i normally get a positive for 2 days. Idk what's going on. Feeling really discouraged now. My cycle is normally 33-35 days so i only have 5-7 days to do.

Todays is CD 28. I took an easy@home pregnancy test today just to check. not taken with fmu and it was a bfn. Lh was also low at 0.29. After my mc last month and no sign of ovulation this month or even an lh spike i am just feeling so defeated.

Any advice?

Since i keep my tests here is a picture from yesterday.

And here are my LH test from when i got pregnant even thou that ended in a MC.